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《Event Information》The 2nd ARISE-PMDA Joint symposium for Asian Clinical Trials “How to collaborate as one Asia“

The 2nd ARISE-PMDA Joint symposium for Asian Clinical Trials “How to collaborate as one Asia”

  • Date and Time:July 20, 2023, 13:00 to 18:00(Japan time)
  • Event Type:Hybrid meeting
  • Venue:BELLESALLE Jinbocho Annex, Tokyo, JAPAN(*)
    • 2-36-1 Jinbocho, Kanda, Tokyo 101-0051
    • (Access)
    • 2-minute walk from A2 exit of Jinbocho station (Hanzomon line, Shinjuku line, Mita line)
    • 5-minute walk from No.5 exit of Kudanshita station (Hanzomon line, Tozai line, Shinjyuku line)
    • 8-minute walk from west exit of Suidobashi station (JR line)
    • ( * ) Pre-registration is required. Registration will be closed when we reach the maximum or full capacity of the venue.
  • Language:Simultaneous Interpretation(Japanese and English)
  • Co-organized:National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
  • Sponsors:ARISE Member Institutes, Japan Agency for Medical Research Department (AMED), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • Supporter:Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA)
  • For more information or registration, please go to the link below.
  • Registration deadline:July 19 2023 at 18:00 in Japan Time

Contact information for the event

  • The 2nd ARISE-PMDA Joint symposium for Asian Clinical Trials

Contact information for the organizer

  • ARISE Secretariat
  • National Center for Global Health and Medicine
  • 1-21-1, Toyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-8655 JAPAN
  • TEL:+81-3-6228-0445