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From the Chief Representative

Chief Representative of ARISE
(Director, Center Hospital/Executive Board Member, National Center for Global Health and Medicine)

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us acutely aware of the need for the world to stand together to work on R&D and promptly provide necessary medical care to people. To achieve this goal, the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), in collaboration with various research institutions in Asian countries, has launched the ARO Alliance for ASEAN and East Asia (ARISE), a clinical research platform for the Asian region, in 2021.
ARISE aims to lead clinical research in Asia and the world by conducting global clinical researches for regulatory approval. ARISE will conduct global clinical researches to address a variety of unmet medical needs, not only for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and tropical infectious diseases that are prevalent in the Asian region, but also for chronic diseases that are on the rise in Asia's rapidly aging population, as well as rare diseases.
Clinical researches in Asia have great potential for growth. ARISE strives to contribute to the creation of evidence and the improvement of medical care in Asia by closely collaborating not only with researchers and healthcare professionals in various countries but also with regulatory authorities, government agencies, industry and international organizations. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation with ARISE for the effective and efficient implementation of global clinical researches.
