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ARISE, together with Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries that are actively promoting clinical research and development in the Asian region under the leadership of Japan, will build a network of international joint clinical research and trials, aiming to develop research and development in the Asian region through Industry-initiated & Investigator initiated clinical trials for regulatory approvals. We also aim to promote health and reduce diseases and disabilities. In addition, we will strive to achieve the following missions through efficient and effective collaboration with member organizations and stakeholders.


ARISE contributes to enhancing health and reducing illness and disability by promoting a network of AROs in the Asian region.


ARISE strives to achieve the following missions through efficient and effective collaboration with member organizations and stakeholders.

  • 1. Promotes the integrity, safety, ethics, and quality of investigator-initiated clinical studies.
  • 2. Contributes to developing innovative medical products to address unmet health needs and diseases of public health significance in the region.
  • 3. Contributes to improving the resources and capacity of clinical study sites in the region.
  • 4. Accelerates clinical studies and improves timelines and processes for authorization.
  • 5. Promotes Public-Academic-Private-Partnerships (PAPPs) in the region.
  • 6. Bridges the gap between sciences and policy for health.

ARISE is headed by NCGM President Norihiro KOKUDO, and its secretariat office is
established within the Center for Clinical Science (Director: Wataru SUGIURA), Department of
International Trials (Director: Tatsuo IIYAMA).


Currently, it is difficult to say that Asian countries have sufficient access to pharmaceuticals and medical devices, including products using innovative technologies. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to contribute to health promotion in Asian countries by improving access to medicines and medical devices.
Since its establishment in 2016, the Department of International Trials (DIT) of the Clinical Research Center (CCS) of NCGM has been working with the Disease Control and Prevention Center (DCC), Research Institute, and other relevant departments to promote various international collaborative clinical research and trials. We have implemented ""Joint international research project on measures against antimicrobial drug resistance (AMR) and proper use of antimicrobial agents in Vietnam"" and ""Clinical Performance Studies of In-Vitro Malaria Diagnostics and Medical Devices in Thailand and Japan"" in cooperation with medical device companies.
In addition, in 2020, we launched ARISE with support of the AMED subsidized project, “Clinical research and clinical trial platform formation to promote international research cooperation between Japan and Asian countries in the field of infectious diseases.” This project also promotes the establishment of international joint research bases and infrastructure in Asian countries, as well as international joint clinical research and trials in emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases such as COVID19, malaria and tuberculosis.
